Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance puts an end to plant pests with ease! This 100% herbal pesticide, crafted from premium oils of cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, and clove, not only eliminates existing infestations swiftly but also repels future attacks.
OMRI Listed for use in organic production, Zero Tolerance is made from pure food-grade ingredients that smell fantastic (no chemical odors). This product is highly effective against spider mites, thrips, aphids, fungus gnats, caterpillars, mealy bugs, and scale.
It’s completely plant, people, and pet-friendly and environmentally safe, allowing worry-free use both indoors and outdoors. Available in ready-to-use bottles, it can be applied to fruits and vegetables up to 5 days before harvest. Unlike Neem Oil, it is safe for fish and plants.